FaxPress Premier WebHelp: Email Gateways Guide > MS Exchange 2007 Environments > Installing the Email Gateway

Installing the Email Gateway

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The procedures below apply only to FaxPress installation, and not FaxPress Plus, which already has the Email Gateway service installed and ready to work with the Exchange Connector on Exchange Server 2007.

Setting up the FaxPress Exchange Connector and Email Gateway is a three-part process that includes:

1. installing the Email Gateway or Gateways.
2. installing the Exchange Connector.
3. configuring the Exchange Connector and Email Gateway.

Network Requirements

Confirm FaxPress Plus 5.0 and Exchange 2007 are installed and operational on your network.

The workstation or server used for the FaxPress SMTP Gateway must meet the following minimum specifications or exceed them.

Operating System and Hardware

Any of the following processors:

Intel Pentium or compatible 800-megahertz (MHz) or faster 32-bit processor
x64 architecture-based processor that supports Intel Extended Memory 64 Technology (Intel EM64T)
x64 architecture-based computer with AMD 64-bit processor that supports AMD64 platform

Intel Itanium IA64 processors are not supported.

Memory and other requirements:

Minimum: 2 gigabytes (GB) of RAM
Recommended: 2 GB of RAM per server plus 5 megabytes (MB) of RAM per mailbox
At least 1.2 GB of available disk space on the drive on which you install Exchange. An additional 500 MB of available disk space is needed for each Unified Messaging (UM) language pack that you plan to install.
200 MB of available disk space on the system drive.
DVD-ROM drive, local or network accessible.
Screen resolution set to 800 x 600 pixels or higher.

It is HIGHLY recommended that this system be DEDICATED for running the FaxPress Email Gateway. Since the Email Gateway interacts with other applications and the desktop, there is a significant potential for conflict if this system is used as a workstation or as an application for other third party applications. Also, no other SMTP service that binds to port 25 should be running on this system.


Make sure you install all applications for which email-to-fax attachments are to be processed on the system. The user running the Email Gateway service must log into the system and launch each application at least once

Before starting the SMTP Gateway setup to install the Gateway, make sure your network:

has at least one FaxPress server installed and operational
is running an SMTP email server or agent (Lotus, GroupWise, or Exchange)
is not running any other FaxPress Email Gateway product.

When you have met all of the above requirements, confirm that the Email Gateway machine is communicating with Exchange by logging onto the Exchange Server and sending a message from your Exchange/Outlook client.

Whenever the Exchange server is rebooted, the Email Gateway or Email Gateways must be stopped and restarted.

Correct Order of Installations, With Correct User Name

It is essential that the SAME user is registered as the one running the Email Gateway and all of the applications used for attachments that will be sent via the Email Gateway as faxes. To achieve this goal, take the following steps, in exactly the indicated order.

1. Create an account for a unique user on the network containing the dedicated machine that will be used for the FaxPress Email Gateway system. The username could be, for example, FaxGateway. This name will be used in the following steps.
2. Log onto the dedicated machine and create a local user account for FaxGateway, the user you created in Step 1. Make FaxGateway an administrator of the dedicated machine, and give FaxGateway administration rights and permissions on the dedicated machine.
3. Log onto the dedicated FaxPress Email Gateway system as FaxGateway.
4. Install Microsoft Outlook, then the Microsoft Office suite of applications, and finally, all of the latest Service Packs, on the dedicated FaxPress Email Gateway system. Launch Outlook and then each of the Office applications, and complete all registration requirements, so that no registration dialog boxes open when you re-launch each application. Go through the same installation and launching procedure for Adobe Acrobat and any other applications that will be needed for attachments that may be faxed.
5. Configure FaxGateway’s network account with adequate permissions and DCOM services. See Preparing an Administrator Account for the Email Gateway for details.
6. Install the FaxPress Plus 5.0 software on the dedicated FaxPress Email Gateway system. Uninstall any previous version before installing the latest version.
7. Install the FaxPress Email Gateway software on the dedicated Email Gateway System by running SMTP Gateway setup.

Preparing the Email Gateway Workstation

The Email Gateway converts your fax addressed email attachments to faxable format, then passes them to the server for processing. The Email Gateway opens the file in its native application, then uses the Castelle DCX Driver to print to a TIF, PDF, or DCX file, formats the can process and fax.

For the FaxPress Email Gateway to provide native attachment support, the server or workstation designated to run the Email Gateway must:

be running Windows NT 4.0/2000/2003/XP Pro server or workstation with at least 128MB of RAM.
have the FaxPress client for Administrators installed. This installs the required DCX drivers/TIF/PDF converter. (See your manual for help installing the client.)
have the Outlook client installed. The Email Gateway uses MAPI to communicate with the Exchange Connector.
have the application software required to convert all file attachments sent from the Exchange users (e.g. MS Office, Lotus Smart Suite, Adobe Acrobat etc.) installed. To prevent failed file attachments, make sure software application versions are consistent across the network.

Additionally, make sure:

you have administrator rights to both the Email Gateway machine and the Microsoft Exchange server.
the Email Gateway workstation’s MS Office macro security setting is set to low. Any other setting will block the Email Gateway service, and generate a macro security warning message.

Running the FaxPress client on Windows XP or Windows XP Pro, or installing the FaxPress Email Gateways on Windows server 2003, can sometimes result in trouble sending high-resolution image files. Installing the ImageMaker viewer on Windows XP or Windows server 2003 will resolve the file corruption sometimes experiences with faxing high-resolution images. The ImageMaker viewer is located in the Support folder on the Castelle FaxPress 9.0 Setup CD.

Preparing an Administrator Account for the Email Gateway

The Email Gateway requires an account with Administrator privileges – as well as access to and launch permissions for all relevant applications, DLLs and files – to log onto the Exchange server and perform its file conversion function.

Using the Email Gateway workstation’s default administrator account for the Email Gateway is recommended. If you don’t want to use that account for the Email Gateway service, you must create or designate an Exchange account for the Email Gateway service’s use. This account must have Administrator privileges and access/launch permissions for all relevant applications, DLLs and files.

If you decide to create an administrator account specifically for the FaxPress Email Gateway make sure you log on to the FaxPress Email Gateway workstation at least once using the account. Logging on initializes the HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry keys and printer entries and so allows the FaxPress Email Gateway to convert attached files.

Running Multiple Email Gateways

Multiple Email Gateway machines may be used with the Exchange Connector. If multiple Email Gateway machines are used, load sharing will automatically go into effect, with the Exchange Connector distributing outgoing faxes among the Email Gateway machines. Received faxes will also be distributed among the Email Gateway machines.

Running the Email Gateway Install/Setup

The setup creates an Email Gateway directory in the directory. Required files are copied – mapi32.dll, mfc42.dll and NAG.exe files among them – and the FaxPress Email Gateway Service is added.

Whenever the Exchange server is rebooted, the Email Gateway must be stopped and restarted.

Before running the setup disable all anti-virus programs running on the workstation and close all Windows applications. Confirm the workstation you’re using has the FaxPress Plus 5.0 client installed and operational.

To install from the CD:

1. Log on with administrator or equivalent privileges.
2. Place the Castelle FaxPress Plus 5.0 CD-ROM in your drive. The Castelle FaxPress Setup screen will launch automatically. If Autorun is disabled on your machine, and setup does not launch automatically, select Start>Run, then type CD-Drive-Letter:\AUTORUN.EXE and click OK.
3. In the FaxPress Setup screen, click Next>.
4. In the first Select Components screen, select the Administrator Installation will install button.
5. Select Email Gateways & Connectors.
6. In the FaxPress Add On Products screen, select Next>.
7. In the next Select Components screen, select FaxPress Plus Exchange Connector.
8. The FaxPress Exchange Connector screen is the first screen. Click Next >.
9. Select the type of installation. The choices are: 
Exchange 5.5 on an NT 4.0 Server
Exchange 5.5 on a Windows 2000 server
Exchange 2000/2003 on a Windows 2000/XP/2003 server
Exchange 2000/2003 on a Windows 2000/XP/2003 Cluster Server
10. Click Next > to begin the installation.
11. The Email Gateway files will be copied to the destination folder displayed. Click Browse. . . to change this location, or click Next > to continue.
12. The User Information screen requires you to enter a domain account name for the Email Gateway service to use to log on to the Email Gateway workstation. This account must have administrative rights and must have already been used to log onto the workstation.
13. The Setup Complete window requires you to click Finish to finish the setup. Setup will then launch the Email Gateway service.

The Email Gateway Configuration utility will launch automatically. Refer to Configuring the Email Gateway for help configuring the Email Gateway. The Email Gateway must be properly configured before being used to send and receive fax messages.


FaxPress Premier WebHelp
Last Updated: 11/1/2007

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